Among TDI's Current Projects are:
TDI’s Institutional Support
Donor: European Endowment for Democracy
Budget: EUR 30.000
Fostering access to justice for religious, ethnic minorities and migrants in Georgia, East-West Management Institute - USAID - Rule of Law Program
Budget: USD 93 365
Strengthening Georgia’s FoRB Community through Mentoring and Academic Conference on Inter-Religious Issues & FoRB
TDI has been implementing the project "Strengthening Georgia’s FoRB Community through Mentoring and Academic Conference on Inter-Religious Issues & FoRB" since November 2023 with the support of the Netherlands Embassy in Tbilisi. The project aims to advance FoRB issues in Georgia by bringing new and existing stakeholders together through the production of authentic research, facilitation of academic and societal dialogue, and tailored visibility actions.
Donor: Netherlands Embassy in Tbilisi
Budget: GEL 200,000
Raising Awareness on FoRB issues in Georgia
Donor: The Netherlands Helsinki Committee
Budget: EUR 11,994
- Educating About Freedom of Religion or Belief for All in Georgia - implemented in partnership with the Norwegian Center for Human Rights, University of Oslo
Budget: USD 20.050
Images of Diversity: Promoting Inclusion and Diversity in Georgia - Leadership Equality, Advocacy and Democracy (LEAD) Sub-Project, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Budget: USD 96, 202
Diversity through Unity, USAID Civic and Economic Integration Program implemented by the United Nations Association of Georgia
Budget: USD 279,149 (5 years)